Dressing Up Your Scene with Twinmotion

Dressing Up Your Scene with Twinmotion

Dressing Up Your Scene with Twinmotion

This course will give you a detailed look at the most important tools and libraries in Twinmotion. You’ll learn how to set up materials, paint a forest, and populate your project with people and decals. We will also cover using the integrated Quixel Megascans and Sketchfab libraries. Finally, we’ll take a look at how to set up lighting and review some of the Path Tracer settings.

Setting Up Materials

In this video, we’ll take a comprehensive look at materials, from the simple process of dragging and dropping them from Twinmotion library, to how to customize them through the Properties panel. We will also look at how to use some of the Quixel Megascans materials, and show you how to create your own materials and save them directly in your user library.

Placing and Manipulating Objects

In this video, we’ll show you how to place objects from the library into the scene. We’ll cover making the best use of the Physics Placement and Multi Drop tools, as well as reviewing the various tools you can use to manipulate objects in the viewport.

Adding Vegetation

In this video, we’ll take a detailed look at working with vegetation. You’ll learn how to drag and drop a tree and change its age, how to multi drop some low-cover bushes and customize their tint, and how to scatter an entire forest in just a couple of clicks.

Adding Life

Populating a project with people really helps bring it to life. In this video, we will focus on characters. We’ll review all the different types of characters available in Twinmotion, place some in the scene, and show you how to have them walk around.

Using Quixel Megascans

The Quixel Megascans library contains thousands of photorealistic assets, including materials, 3D assets, plants, and decals. Their quality can really helps push the bar of visual fidelity in any project. In this video, we will cover this library and show you how these cloud-hosted assets can easily be added in your scene.

Using Sketchfab

The Sketchfab library is a community-created resource containing hundreds of thousands of assets that you can use in your scene—everything from coffee beans to skyscrapers, museum statues, and even burning phoenixes. In this video, we will look at what this community has created, and show you how to easily add these assets in your scene and properly credit the creators.

Setting Up the Lighting

In this video, we’ll cover all aspects of lighting, from using a simple omnidirectional light to loading your own ies file. We will also look at natural illumination with the sun and moon lighting, and show how using HDRI lighting can completely change the mood of your project.

Setting Up the Path Tracer

In this video we will cover the Path Tracer, Twinmotion’s built-in offline-quality renderer, including how to fine tune your media, and how to set up your viewport for a faster preview.


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